studio access
Please wait in your vehicle until your appointment time to limit contact
Entrance gates and doors will be kept open or will be opened for you. Please leave it open when you leave.
Mandatory hand washing (alcohol and soap and water) immediately upon arrival and after sessions.
Use of Mask required - PPE is our last line of protection, because we might not be able to keep a 2m distance all the time, the use of a mask will be required, as it can reduce the risk of transmission. Patrons can use a fabric mask, the studio will not supply masks. Clients are responsible to bring their own masks.
Please bring your inside shoes, no outside shoes will be allowed in.
Clients to consider
If you or anyone in your household becomes sick (temperature 38º C or up; cough; chills; sore throat, difficulty breathing, loss of smell and taste); are placed on self-isolation; have travelled out of BC, or to a Covid "Hot Zone" in BC within the last 14 days, please reschedule your appointment or do it online.
Clients will have to answer a point of care assessment for the risk of COVID-19 before every in-person session. If the client or dependents are at an increased risk of developing complications from COVID-19 infection. These risks need to be weighed against the benefits of other treatment methods and risks of discontinuing treatment before proceeding with treatment. your answers will remain confidential and will not be shared without your consent
When possible, I will position myself at least 2 metres from the client, masks will be required.
Attending appointments alone when possible, and do not bring friends or children.
Bring with you inside the studio just what is really necessary, that includes cell phones, if you need to have it with you, you will have to wash your hand
Studio cleaning and disinfecting
All equipment used, treatment table, exercise mat, dumbbells or other touch surfaces, will be disinfected after each client with hospital grade disinfectant, 15 min between every appointment is blocked to allow for disinfecting procedures.
When possible windows and doors will be kept open to increase air circulation. During colder days an HEPA air purifier with UV light will be used.